“N” type immersion scalding pan with discharge

“N” type immersion scalding pan with discharge

“N” type immersion scalding pan with discharge

The immersion scalder by NIRO-TECH is used for scalding pieces up to 300 kg. In addition, automatic piece ejection after the scalding process.

The immersion scalder by NIRO-TECH is used for scalding pieces up to 300 kg. In addition, automatic piece ejection after the scalding process.

The offer includes devices with the following capacities:

  • type N1 up to 20 pcs / h
  • type N2 up to 40 pcs / h
  • type N3 up to 60 pcs / h

The scalding pan is available in the following version:

  • steam
  • electricity
  • oil
  • gas

Made entirely of AISI 304 stainless steel.

Companion Equipment