Sausage Loops

Sausage Loops
Sausage Loops
Sausage Loops
Sausage Loops
Sausage Loops
Sausage Loops
Sausage Loops
Sausage Loops
Sausage Loops
Sausage Loops

Sausage Loops

The loops are used to hang meat products on smoking rods. The loops are applied under a clip on manual, semi-automatic and automatic clipping machines. The loops have two versions: individual loops for manual delivery during clipping; and glued on the tape for automatic delivery during clipping.

KOMPO is one of the biggest manufacturers of clips and loops for sausage clipping machines of any brand. All clips and loops are supplied with full warranty. Individual loops are excellent for applying with table-top single clipping machines. GS20, GS22 and GS25 are perfect for semi-auto and fully auto clippers of any brand: KOMPO, Polyclip, Tippertie and others. The loops are extremely strong and hold up to 14 kg/30lbs.

Email, call, or request a visit to get free samples! Toll-free: +1-888-307-5330 or 226-678-8778.

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